Friday, January 15, 2010

Milk Day

When I taught elementary school, there was always a bulletin board in the lobby that announced upcoming events.

Depending on the season, the board was particularly full or empty.

ex (full):

Holiday Bazarre Fundraiser: December 3

PTA Gift Wrap Drive "Wrap Up": December 6

Choral Christmas Program: December 7

Report Card Day: December 12

Christmas Break: December 17

ex (empty):

MLK Day : January 19

So I'm walking my primary class back from lunch one day at Meadowthorpe Elementary past the bulletin board and this January calendar date catches the attention of a just-turned six-year old who has begun to grasp the notion that letters mean something and come together to be words and have meaning. A particular after-holiday break moment for many five/six-year-olds, by the way, for parents who might be reading this.

She looks up to me and says, "Mr. Miller. Don't we have milk every day?"


Well, then.

Shouldn't we.

Have MLK. Every day.

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